Young Agrofood Professionals learn from each other

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7 August 2019

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Young agricultural entrepreneurs do not have to reinvent the wheel, but can learn from each other and from colleagues. That is why the LLTB/LIOF network of Young Agrofood Professionals was started one and a half years ago. The young professionals are aged between 20 and 35 and have a need for development in their business. They want to do things differently than their predecessors and dare to think out of the box.

During network meetings it is all about innovation, developing entrepreneurship, personal development and sharing and applying knowledge and new insights. These young professionals break new ground because they are convinced that a successful company thrives on innovations.

Network within and outside the sector

Didy Arnold, Innovation project leader at LLTB and initiator of Young Agrofood Professionals, says: "Last year we started with a first group from the network of LLTB and LIOF. These are entrepreneurs who we have deliberately brought together across the sectors. Their problems are generic, so they can learn from each other how to solve them." Although their problems are generic, the network is hugely varied. "You get to know other entrepreneurs, you build a bond and share experiences," says broiler farmer Jan Kuipers. "You look in each other's kitchens and see how others do business. You can discuss matters openly. Knowledge exchange occurs and you accelerate your innovative power."

With the diverse group and experiences of others, the young professionals gain slightly different insights. They come into contact with other sectors and companies. For example, there was recently a trip to Toverland in Sevenum. That has added value to the network. "You see other ways to run your business, although it is a challenge to make the translation to your own business," says Amaryllisteler Stan Wijnen.

Cooperation with LIOF

The collaboration with LOIF is also a conscious choice of the network. "You are stronger by working together. You can do twice as much with the available budget, including organizing network meetings and master classes," Arnold says. LIOF supports innovative entrepreneurs. Since February 1, 2018, LIOF has started the LimburgAgrofood program. "We want to bring the competitiveness of agrofood in Limburg to a higher level by facilitating innovations," explains Frans Broeders of LIOF. "An important means is to bring parties together on relevant themes in collaboration with existing communities to arrive at innovative projects."

Support for young farmers by LIOF

LIOF uses three routes to support young entrepreneurs. There is the knowledge project where knowledge sharing is central. In the advice project, entrepreneurs can hire expertise for their company, and for the innovation project, entrepreneurs can apply for a subsidy for an innovation within their company.

Source: New Harvest, LIOF