Solar meadow for pig farmers

Item date:

6 September 2019

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The Province of Limburg is helping pig farmers who want to stop. By means of a cheap loan, farmers can install solar panels where the stables used to be. In this way, farmers can stop farming without or with less debt.

With the low-cost loans, farmers can purchase solar panels. The farmer can raise a new income and pay off any debts. For a solar meadow of 0.5 ha, the net return over 20 years is € 172,000 and on 1 ha over 4 tons, according to a calculation example from the Province.

Warm remediation

As also mentioned earlier, the pig sector is facing a large-scale warm sanitation, especially in North Limburg and East Brabant. The clean-up will lead to a decrease in livestock, resulting in less odor, ammonia and particulate matter. Farmers who participate in the warm remediation are required to demolish their stables. The land that becomes available is ideal for a solar meadow. It is not the intention that the solar meadow takes up good agricultural land. If the plan succeeds, in the future other farmers and gardeners can also make use of this option.

Source: Dagblad de Limburger