New POP3 opening: 45 million for agricultural Limburg

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14 June 2018

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Agricultural entrepreneurs, knowledge providers and partnerships in Limburg can apply for subsidies for innovations and investments in agriculture starting May 14. Recently, a European injection of 45 million came into the rural development of Limburg. Calling on Limburg entrepreneurs to make use of the funds made available.

Training, workshops, entrepreneurial coaching and demonstrations, collaboration around innovations and physical investments for sustainable innovations (especially focused on emission reduction to groundwater): these are things for which subsidies can be applied for before mid-June. Innovation on Limburg soil is where the Province of Limburg wants to go with the investments.

To support applicants, the Handbook for Applicants POP3 Subsidies has been compiled. This states who or which project is eligible for the subsidy and how the application should be submitted. The further procedure is also explained. Extensive information about the Subsidy Regulation for the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (POP3) Limburg can be found here.

Need help with your application or other questions?
POP3 is a financial incentive to make your agricultural business future-proof. Do you want to take the step, but can you still use some help? Then get in touch with Niek Theunissen of LIOF. LIOF helps agricultural entrepreneurs, large and small, to innovate, collaborate and invest. LIOF is also the right address for questions about these new subsidy schemes.

Source: Province of Limburg