Minister Schouten wants a fair price for farmers and horticulturists

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17 June 2019

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality today presents the plans for the new circular agriculture. This transformation of the Dutch agricultural sector is not only about the environment and waste, but also about the yields for the farmer. These are far too low, says Minister Carola Schouten.

Food has become incredibly cheap

In an interview with the AD, the minister explains: "In the 1970s, we spent about 20 percent of our income on food. Now that's 10 to 12 percent. Food has become incredibly cheap.'' Because of the low price of food, the environment is overburdened, food is wasted and farmers earn too little, according to Schouten.

The one-sided focus on producing enough food is outdated in the minister's view. "My new adage is that we produce food with the least possible burden on the environment. So with the least possible harm to nature, the environment and the climate.''

Price tag

The government allocates hundreds of millions of euros annually for the transformation, but consumers can also expect a higher price tag. Schouten: 'That's the price for food that is produced in greater balance with the environment. Ultimately everyone benefits from that.''


The minister also demands a contribution from the supermarkets. New agreements on a fairer price for producers must remove the disproportionate risk for the farmer. Schouten also wants to encourage cooperation between farmers in negotiations with supermarket corporations. A disputes committee for farmers with complaints about buyer demands is also part of the plans.

Source: AD