Limburg fruit in the fight against chronic diseases

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16 September 2019

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Appples contain substances that may help suppress and delay symptoms of chronic diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. Dutch and Belgian Limburg are doing joint research on the effects of active substances in apples.

Healthy active substances

A study by Cornell University in America in 2004 showed that eating apples regularly keeps Alzheimer's and memory loss at bay. Jos Kleinmans, a toxicologist at Maastricht University, argues that nutrition in relation to Alzheimer's is worth investigating. Together with Jerome Hendriks, professor at Hasselt University, and other partners, a study will be started into the effect of content substances in Limburg fruit on chronic diseases, "Values and Values of Limburg Fruit". The goal of the research is to be able to apply the substances of apples in suppressing, delaying and giving relief in chronic diseases within a few years.

The research is initially focusing on MS, but there is a chance that the workable substances could also provide relief in Alzheimer's disease, Hendriks said. "A good effect does not necessarily involve a pill made from fruit, but also precisely a combination of substances contained in an apple."

Also the Brightlands Campus Greenport in Venlo is already researching healthy substances in fruits and vegetables. In their project "Value(s) of fruit and vegetables" the effect of fruit and vegetables on our health is being investigated. Entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions are working together to better substantiate the effect of nutrients on the body and the health value of fresh produce.

Cooperation in research

Partners from both Dutch Limburg and Belgian Limburg from science, business and government participate in the project. Participating parties are Brightlabs, Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo, PCfruit, Province of Belgian Limburg, Province of Dutch Limburg, Hasselt University and Maastricht University. Parties can complement each other in the field of knowledge and processing of the fruit substances. In the project the focus is mainly on researching the value of Limburg fruit, the (available) knowledge and the active ingredients.

The research will start in early October 2019 and is a long-term project. In May 2020, the results of the preliminary process will be announced in a symposium.

Source: Dagblad de Limburger, Province of Limburg