Limburg farmers most often sell directly to consumers

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21 December 2018

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In no Dutch province do farmers sell their products directly to consumers as often as in Limburg, relatively speaking. That is the conclusion of the CBS based on figures for 2017.

The share of farms that do such short-chain sales is nationally highest in Limburg: it is fifteen percent of farmers. This puts Limburg ahead of the provinces of Zeeland (14 percent) and South Holland, North Holland and Flevoland (13 percent). In Drenthe and Overijssel, with 7 and 6 percent respectively, the share is the lowest.

In short-chain sales, farms deliver products to consumers directly or through a maximum of one intermediary link. This can be done, for example, through farm stores, vending machines or by delivering directly to the catering industry. Also self-picking gardens fall under this short chain sales.

Wineyard companies
Countrywide, it is mainly vineyard companies and fruit companies that deliver their products directly to consumers. Dairy farms and pig farms appear to be the antithesis: there, only 6 and 3 percent, respectively, engage in short-chain sales

Source: 1Limburg CBS