Sprouts Annual Review 2020

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21 December 2020

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This past year, everything revolved around the corona crisis. It had personal and professional consequences for everyone, especially those within the agri-food industry. That the industry has certainly not been idle became more than clear when we as editors looked back at 2020. We had more to write this year, there were hardly any fewer events (although they were often online) and the innovative power of Limburg entrepreneurs proved to be as strong as ever. Take a look at how the so negatively viewed 2020 still had many wonderful highlights.


In 2020, over 200 articles on a variety of topics appeared on Kiempunt. More than 50 events, workshops and meetings were announced in the calendar. New this year was the section 'Even Introduction', in which Kiempunt members tell more about themselves. Also very recently we started the section 'At the start of innovation', in which we can showcase great research projects from the HAS.

A new look

We are grateful to the 23,000 visitors who read about developments in agricultural education, innovations in technology, the production of safe, healthy food, short chains, sustainability and more in 2020. This year the website received a new look, making it easier to respond to articles and share your opinions with other members. In total there are now 157 members who read and participate in the various groups. Want to know more or become a member too? Then check out our member page.

Most read

The most popular this year were the personal stories of Limburg farmers and entrepreneurs. For example, the section "5 questions to" appeared several times in the top of the read articles. The Kiempunt cases were also popular among readers. For those who missed something, or want to reread, we list the most read posts.

Five questions to

  • Wil Strous of Bejo seeds gives his view on innovation in agrofood
  • Peter van Dijck shares his ideas as a vegetable grower and president at Fossa Eugenia
  • Joop Litjens talks about automation at his company Litjens Venkel


Other popular articles

We are looking forward to a new year full of great collaborations and initiatives. The editors of Kiempunt wish you an innovative, successful and above all healthy 2021!