"Agricultural entrepreneurs, municipalities in the region and the province of Limburg: create opportunities together"

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14 June 2018

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Léon Faassen, chairman of the Limburg Land and Horticulture Association (LLTB) called on entrepreneurs, municipalities and the Province of Limburg during the symposium "Limburg: healthiest horticultural region" to work together to create opportunities to further strengthen the position of Limburg horticulture.

Faassen: "We earn our daily bread in horticulture. With innovations and sustainability developments in the field of ornamental and food horticulture we are a world player. We can further strengthen this position and benefit even more people in Limburg. Agricultural entrepreneurs must then work with municipalities in the region and the province of Limburg to create opportunities in the areas of sustainability and energy, future-oriented infrastructure, personnel and housing. The LLTB actually only sees opportunities."

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Saskia Goetgeluk, director of Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo, told about the attraction of the campus for companies, precisely because of the opportunities for knowledge exchange and research. She invited companies to submit innovation issues to Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo.

Plasticulture entrepreneur Marcel Dings from Brookberries and civil servant Herm Willems from the municipality of Venlo shared their experience as a successful example of cooperation between entrepreneurs and local government.

Some 125 guests attended the symposium. Bart Veldkamp, former long track speed skater and Remco Havermans, PhD at Maastricht University Campus Venlo stimulated the audience with their visions of healthy food and taste experiences.
Themes such as Labour and Housing, Energy and Sustainability, Healthy and Safe Food, Future Farming and Bio Economy were further explored during the symposium.

Source: Good Morning Vegetables, Brightlands