Windpark Weert: it is the spirit that moves

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12 July 2022

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A unique collaboration

It is not the wind that moves, it is not the flag that moves, it is the spirit that moves.

That is exactly how Windpark Weert came about. WeertEnergie and Eneco put their heads together and, together with residents, secured funding to erect three wind turbines in the vicinity of Weert. To do something together about sustainable energy. 


A unique collaboration 

Henk Lambrichts, member of the board of energy cooperative WeertEnergie and one of the three board members of Windpark Weert bv: "Windpark Weert is an initiative of WeertEnergie and Eneco. Together with residents, we want to contribute to an energy-neutral Weert. A special collaboration between a commercial party and a cooperative;

The preparation of Windpark Weert  began in 2016. In 2017, the cooperation between Eneco and WeertEnergie was confirmed with an agreement. In May 2021 construction started and on 22 June 2022 the wind farm was officially opened. Wind farm Weert consists of 3 wind turbines. The masts are 130 meters high and the blades an impressive 70 meters long. 


Green power for Weert

Henk: "We expect Windpark Weert to produce an average of 30,000,000 kilowatt hours (KWh) of green electricity per year. That's enough to supply green power to over 10,000 households. Weert has approximately 21,000 households. This wind farm is therefore an important step in making energy production more sustainable." 


From the residents ...

What is special is that the members of the WeertEnergie cooperative can co-invest in the wind farm. Henk explains how this works. The investment for the construction of the three wind turbines involves many millions. That amount was largely financed by the Rabobank. In addition, WeertEnergie gave its members, more than 400 in number, the opportunity to invest in the construction of the wind turbines. They could buy certificates for this purpose. On balance, the members are now the owners of 50% of the wind farm. A special and beautiful cooperation!"


... for the residents

Even better, this way Eneco and WeertEnergie are not only contributing to the municipality's ambition to be energy-neutral in 2040. They are also letting part of the proceeds from the wind turbines  flow back into the local community. 

"Part of the proceeds will be deposited in an environmental fund.  And thus goes directly  to the residents"

"We deposit part of the proceeds in an environment fund," Henk explains. "The Gries Hej Windfonds foundation has been established for this purpose. This foundation receives €1 each year for every megawatt hour (MWh) produced. This amounts to about € 30,000 a year."


Good idea? The Gries Hej Wind Fund is curious!

The proceeds directly benefit seven residential areas that lie within a three-kilometer radius of the middle wind turbine. With this money, residents can realize sustainable projects, such as bicycle paths or more sustainable communal buildings. The foundation calls on residents to come up with their own ideas for projects. "In this way, residents themselves have an influence on a sustainable environment and the promotion of nature around them." 


Because the energy transition is important to everyone

Henk emphasizes that the wind farm not only generates renewable energy, but also actively contributes to increasing residents' attention to the social transitions. Through the Gries Hej Wind Fund, but also by organizing activities to bring the windmills to the attention. 


Build your own windmill

Henk: "We gave guest lessons about windmills at an elementary school in Weert in groups 5 to 8. The children from group 7 and 8 have built a windmill with a construction set. The children of group 5 and 6 have carried out a creative assignment under the guidance of an artist. With the theme 'Wind Wins'. Inspired by these artworks, artist Emmy van de Venne designed a large metal artwork. In early June we unveiled the artwork together with the children."  In this way, the children learn about sustainable energy and Windpark Weert increases support for the wind turbines - and thus attention for the energy transition - among the parents. "An indispensable part of what we do and what we strive for", Henk concludes. 

It is the spirit that moves. 

'Wind wins at Windpark Weert'