Column Helga van Leur: A new spring, a new sound

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21 March 2023

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A new sound

Who doesn't know this quote? It is the opening lines of Herman Gorter's classic 1889 poem "May. For many of us, it was required reading in high school, although I remember little else about it. It was on the birth card of my first child because I found it very appropriate. He was born in early May, brought a new sound to the family and a new period of growth and development to my life.

'A new spring, a new sound'. It also contains beautiful symbolism for entrepreneurs. The cadence of the seasons with budding growth in spring, full bloom in summer, gradual scaling down in autumn and the restorative calm in winter has an important function. In nature, you cannot grow indefinitely. A plant or animal is naturally limited by a lack of water, nutrients and light or an excess of competition, diseases and pests. It is also all interrelated: stress in plants also affects the animal kingdom. In addition, the death of organisms is a breeding ground for future generations. It is circularity pur sang.

By the way, now that biological spring is pushing forward more and more because of a warming climate, Herman Gorter's poem would be better called "March" these days. May is already summer these days. Another interesting phase for entrepreneurs!


Circular chain

This is no different for entrepreneurs. They too are part of a cycle, a circular chain. A company makes or does something that society needs. To do that, it uses raw materials, energy and people to make it possible. You hope to become better and better and more efficient at it. That produces economic growth and room to invest. But you're also a cog in a larger network, which means you don't control everything on your own.

At each stage, you are guaranteed to run into constraints that force you to reflect. That's a great lesson from the seasonal cycle in nature: you become stronger by taking occasional breaks to recover and recharge for the next cycle of growth. What do you need now to cope with change and enter the next phase healthy?"


Because change is a guarantee. Thus, in those 134 years since the release of this poem, many things have changed. Slow changes that take generations can be handled very organically. But these days, changes seem to be more and more abrupt, and that presents entrepreneurs with great challenges.

How do you deal with raw materials that are not readily available or prices that skyrocket? Or global events such as wars or pandemics? Or a shortage of qualified personnel? There are many things you have no control over, but as an entrepreneur you can make sure you minimize your vulnerability. By looking ahead. Some changes you can see coming from afar, such as the consequences of a changing climate or new European legislation regarding the impact as a company on nature and the environment. You can see it as an extra burden, or an opportunity to examine where you stand and how you can prepare in time for what is to come. Be part of a transition as soon as possible.


Biobased materials

The circular transition is mostly still in the spring phase: budding. Discovering and applying biobased materials. Using raw materials more sustainably, efficiently and for longer. Reducing energy and water use and making better use of a local and diverse workforce. The earlier you start, the more room there is to experiment without costing (too) much money, time or energy. In doing so, remember that you are not alone. You are part of the ecosystem Limburg entrepreneurs, government and education. Together you will get further and the region will become an inspiring example for beyond.

Helga van Leur spring

Reacties (1)

Sylvia Vannisselroij

Monday 3 April 2023 - 16:14

Oefening baart kunst

Helemaal mee eens, Helga.

Hoe vroeger je ermee begint, hoe meer ruimte er is om te experimenteren zonder dat het (te)veel geld, tijd of energie kost. Vergeet daarbij niet dat je niet alleen staat. Je bent onderdeel van het ecosysteem Limburgse ondernemers, overheid en onderwijs. Samen kom je verder en wordt de regio een inspirerend voorbeeld voor daarbuiten.