Changes to MIT Grant Scheme 2025.

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10 March 2025

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MIT Feasibility 2025 (HLB)

  • In contrast to previous years, only one HLB grant can be awarded to the same company per calendar year. However, it is possible to submit more applications. Companies belonging to the same group are considered as one company.
  • There is a grant ceiling per province this year. This may mean that the budget for one or more of the provinces is not oversubscribed on the first day and it is possible for these province(s) to apply for a longer period of time. Stimulus will regularly post a message on the website about the state of exhaustion of the ceiling for each province. There will be one portal for all HLB applications in the South of the Netherlands, there is no portal per province.
  • The applicant must also actually be based in the Southern Netherlands. An applicant who is not based in the Southern Netherlands is not eligible for funding.
  • The grant requirements have been further tightened. For more information see the grant regulations, Section 1 Feasibility Project, Article 1.6 Grant requirements.

MIT R&D Collaboration 2025 (R&D)

  • For 2025, the same KIAs apply as in 2024. However, each region / province in the Netherlands implementing the MIT R&D has had to designate a number of 'priority areas'. For the Southern Netherlands, these are listed in Appendix 4 of the Subsidy Scheme. Of applications that contribute demonstrably and substantiated to one (or more) of these priority areas, the score on criterion d ('social impact') is doubled, provided that the application achieves the minimum points on the other criteria (10 points) and the minimum total number of points (50 points).
  • A company may apply for funding multiple times in various collaborations, but only receive funding up to the maximum amount specified in the Subsidy Scheme per participant, being €175,000. If the applications of this company are all eligible for subsidy, the order in the ranking determines the allocation of the subsidy amount until the maximum is reached.
  • An annex 3 of the Grant Regulations contains a more detailed elaboration of the four distribution criteria. This can be helpful in developing the project proposal.
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