5 questions to... Sylvia Vannisselroij

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28 April 2022

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Sylvia Vannisselroij

Sylvia Vannisselroij stimulates thinking, organizing and working differently in Limburg. She is the entrepreneur who answers this month's 'five questions to'.

Founder of Expedition02050

Founder of Expedition02050

On an expedition ... you'll be thinking. Where to? On February 14, 2022, Sylvia Vannisselroij founded Expedition02050. She challenges organizations in Limburg to join her on an expedition to a sustainable model of existence in which people, animals and nature flourish. That doesn't happen overnight. It is a life goal. With the intention of giving something back to society, so that (grand)children and future generations also have a liveable planet. We let go of the pursuit of infinite quantitative growth and profit maximization. Our focus is on meaning; on what really matters.

In Limburg there is not yet a party that helps our province on the way to a sustainable model of existence. Together we will have to determine the direction, realization and rules of the game, given the more prominent role Limburg will play in the Netherlands with the expected sea level rise. After all, the Randstad and much of the west are below sea level.

1. What is your vision of sustainable business?

It's a calling. A journey of discovery. For decades I worked for large multinationals. I was 40 when I asked myself the question: there must be another way? That was in response to a master class Communication Advisor in the Digital Future.

I saw what was going on in the world, as if my eyes opened. From that moment on, I started to delve into sustainable business. I chose Limburg as my focus. This province must have an answer for the future in 50 years. With the climate crisis, increasing inequality and technological developments, it is high time for a new story. Now I know there is: there are many alternatives to the current classical economic model.

"There are very many alternatives to the current classical economic model"

2. How can organizations make that shift to "think, organize, and work differently?"

It starts with looking honestly at yourself and your organization. Often it is events on a personal, business or societal level that change your view of the world forever. I am convinced that if we now start designing a sustainable model of existence for Limburg with motivated triple helix (government, corporates and knowledge institutes), niche innovators (SMEs, startups, NGOs and networks) and media in Limburg, our children and future generations will thank us in 50 years.

In organizations, it starts with determining the sustaining direction and realization with a team of motivated employees. Then you start looking at how you can change the rules of the game by thinking (mindset), organizing and working differently, so that other employees who are not initially so engaged in sustainability also get on board. Then you can apply this exercise in your sector, region and ultimately at the provincial level.

3. What advice would you give other entrepreneurs if they want to become more sustainable?

Dare to start and keep it simple. Stop doing things that do not have a positive impact on people, animals and nature. There are people who want to, but are not in a position to do things differently. Look at what is already there and how you can stimulate it. In this way there is room for experiments and perspectives.

Start a conversation within your organization with employees. What keeps them busy? And what can you, as a company, do to make it better? Don't focus on treating the symptoms, but look at the real cause of the problem. Then you work on a bigger goal.

4. What do you think it will take to accelerate the path to a sustainable society?

Collaborate beyond the boundaries of your own bubble. Being open to and facilitating what others are concerned about. Feeling touched and called by the state of the world.

There will no longer be a Limburger who says that life has become easier in recent years. We should focus on the social tasks we face as Limburg. I will name a few: health, economy (applied ecology according to Kees Klomp), education, safety, accessibility of facilities, the quality of our living environment and social equality. Everyone looks at the world from their own perspective. It is therefore important to involve all layers of society.

"Each person looks at the world from their own perspective. It is therefore important to involve all strata of society"

5. What do you contribute to a smarter, more sustainable and healthier Limburg?

In the coming years, I will do what it takes to get Limburg on the road to a sustainable model of existence in which people, animals and nature flourish. That is my life's goal, both professionally and privately. In my private life I eat more vegetarian, I waste as little food as possible, I buy less stuff, I often hold online meetings, I walk and cycle more, I insulate my house. It's not perfect, but it can't and doesn't have to be! You remain part of the Western consumption system.

Businesswise, with Expedition 02050 I want to inspire and connect motivated entrepreneurs, civil servants, teachers and media in Limburg to make it easier for citizens to embrace a sustainable lifestyle. It should be the standard. Our living environment should also be adapted to the more prominent role we will play in the Netherlands. After all, everything is connected. Together we know everything.

Why shiftLimburg?

The name 'shiftLimburg' says it all. We need to move to a smarter, more sustainable and healthier Limburg; to a permanently liveable Limburg. What that looks like we determine together, using the scientific facts in the IPCC report as a starting point.

With my drive, imagination, openness and curiosity about what many people (still) find unimaginable, I like to go on a journey of discovery with motivated triple helix, niche innovators and media. In the coal mining days, Limburg contributed most to the GNP, now we are creating a movement that will contribute to the Gross National Significance. Discover the power of Limburg with Expedition 02050!