Collaboration with LLTB
The four transitions of Shift are four transitions in which the LLTB is also fully engaged, particularly on the Energy transition. The LLTB sees Limburg farmers and horticulturists as an indispensable link in Limburg's sustainable energy system. Agriculture and horticulture can function as producers and carriers of such an energy system. The greenhouse horticulture sector is leading the way in this field and can play an important guiding role. In addition to the track of electrification via solar energy, wind energy, combined heat and power (CHP) and batteries, there is the so-called heat track. Within this, we are looking at techniques such as green gas from manure fermentation, geothermal energy, hydrogen and biomass. All of this is taking shape in the LLTB Energy Vision.

In de transitie Gezondheid is de LLTB, samen met de boeren en tuinders van Limburg, uiteraard ook volop actief. ‘Boeren en tuinders houden Limburg gezond’, is niet voor niks onze slogan. Zij zorgen er dagelijks voor dat de consument voedsel op hun bordje krijgt. Daar wordt niet altijd goed genoeg bij stilgestaan. De LLTB ziet dat dan ook als een van haar taken om dat verhaal en het bijbehorende proces onder de aandacht te (blijven) brengen.

The transition Digitalization comes to the LLTB mainly in the field of innovation. Think of data-driven new techniques and machines that allow farmers to do their work even better and more effectively. For example, you see this reflected in milking robots, spraying machines for the land and robotization.
The LLTB is also working hard in the field of the Circularity transition. For example, in cooperation with partners, we are running various projects around the protein transition and the use of fiber hemp, miscanthus and even bamboo for the construction and manufacturing industry, among others. For example, we are partners in Platform New Crops, Platform Horticultural Residue Streams, the Euregional initiative Realise Bio and the Limburg awareness program Circular Economy Limburg (CEL).