Cooperation with LIOF
Enabling optimal deployment of sustainable and efficient energy systems on the way to green business processes. How do we do it: - Energy efficiency: creating insight and encouraging entrepreneurs to take action - Mobility: green and sustainable transportation - Renewable energy: hydrogen as an alternative energy source - Exemplary LIOF: impactful financing and support

Jan-Willem Tolkamp is projectmanager voor het programma PVB Limburg.

LIOF takes a proactive role in the Limburg ecosystem where health innovations contribute to the health transition. We do this in the following way:
Bring SME innovations to market faster - Develop innovations in the field of prevention - Implement health transition within LIOF.

LIOF contributes to connecting and accelerating digitization of Limburg SMEs in a rapidly changing technological era. We do this in the following ways: - Digital Innovation - Investing and stimulating - Digitizing SMEs - Inspire and develop - Digital Network - connecting and accelerating - LIOF Digital - optimizing and automating

Een ondernemersklimaat creëren waar circulair ondernemen en economisch rendement hand in hand gaan. Hoe doen we dat:
• Inzet waar potentie voor grondstofreductie het grootst is • Financiering mogelijk maken voor circulaire ondernemers • Onze instrumenten inzetten voor innovatie met impact • Circulaire bedrijfsvoering stimuleren.