Who deserves the 1st award from FNLI? Then nominate these persons now!

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13 March 2019

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People or teams responsible for innovative projects with a high potential social and economic impact have a chance to win the title 'Frontrunner of the food industry' from the Federation of the Dutch Food Industry (FNLI). With this award FNLI puts people of innovative and crucial developments in the spotlight.

These people do not shy away from challenging themes such as sustainable packaging, product improvements, reducing food waste and better tracking & tracing. These and more developments are of value in addressing global issues.

People or teams can register themselves online or be nominated until April 29, 2019. Submissions will consider the potential impact, the degree of innovation and the role and contribution of the individuals involved. FNLI will announce the nominees in mid-June. The festive presentation of the award will take place during the FNLI annual meeting on 10 October 2019.

Stay informed about the nominees and the final winner of the FNLI award via Kiempunt Limburg.

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