Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo, foundation vers+ together with the HAS University of Applied Sciences, Avans University of Applied Sciences and Maastricht University and the business community are going to investigate 'The Values of Fruit and Vegetables' in the next four years. This will create a more scientific basis under the health of natural products.
Fruits and vegetables are an important source of vitamins, minerals and fiber and are relatively low in salt and saturated fat. However, it is difficult for producers to demonstrate which contents fresh products contain, so that a substantiation of the health effects is lacking. So it is still impossible to place health claims on fruit and vegetables. But with a better substantiation of the preventive health value of fresh products, new markets can be opened, as well as the price formation and increase in market share can be positively influenced.
The project 'The Values of Fruit and Vegetables' has received a grant of 700,000 euros from Top Sector Horticulture & Raw Materials.
Source: Brightlands