Ten-point plan for circular agriculture offered to province of Limburg

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16 January 2020

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Under the name Kring-Loop, more than fifty organizations and their supporters marched to The Hague on Tuesday, January 14 to draw attention to nature-inclusive agriculture. The BioLogisch Limburg Association chose to walk to the provincial government building in Maastricht, where a ten-point plan was handed over to Commissioner Hubert Mackus.

Future vision

Kring-Loop is a joint initiative of organizations that promote organic or biodynamic agriculture, as well as nature and landscape organizations, banking company Triodos and sustainability organization Urgenda. They all support a ten-point plan that includes an overarching future vision (2040) for nature-inclusive circular agriculture.

In The Hague, Minister Schouten of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) received the ten-point plan. To bring the concept of circular agriculture to the attention of politicians and the people of Limburg, members of BioLogisch Limburg went to the provincial government building in Maastricht. Chairman John Janssen handed over the ten point plan on behalf of BioLogisch Limburg to Commissioner Hubert Mackus.

Thinking along

With the handing over of the ten-point plan, BioLogisch Limburg reaches out to the province in order to achieve circular agriculture. "The ten-point plan is a good first step," says Janssen. "Now it is important that we all get to work with this plan. BioLogisch Limburg would like to contribute ideas and discuss the content of this plan. Also in the actual implementation of the steps we can play a role as an association."

Ten Steps

The plan contains ten steps to realize the transition to nature-inclusive circular agriculture. The aim is an agricultural food system in which as much use as possible is made of own raw materials and as little as possible is made of external resources such as fossil fuels, artificial fertilizer, feed concentrates and chemical substances. Within this system attention is paid to rich biodiversity, healthy soil, fresh air, sufficient clean water and soil, healthy products and healthy animals. Also, farmers earn a good income and citizens are willing to pay a fair price for their food.


Deputy member Hubert Mackus was positive about the initiative of the Limburg organic farmers. "This fits perfectly in the direction we also want to go as a province. As a province we want to play a role as a booster of circular agriculture." He emphasized that conventional agriculture is also becoming more sustainable.

Source: BioLogisch, De Limburger