Local7 helps Limburg entrepreneurs work together to sell regional products

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18 January 2021

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The corona crisis has given a huge boost to the short chain. More and more consumers have found their way to farm stores and other local outlets in the past year. Maurice Dassen from Maastricht responded to the need of the customer and founded the webshop Local7. It is not the only webshop for regional products, but it is unique in its kind because Limburg entrepreneurs work together here to sell their products.


Local7 sells packages that are composed with products from different entrepreneurs. If you look on the website you can immediately see what nice combinations that leads to. Beers from brewery Zuyd together with sausage from Kuusj de Varkenshoederij, all kinds of honey products from Imkerij BEEing Pure with jam from the Jambrouwerij, a package full of goodies from De Stroopstooker and Fruit Company "Heiland" and much more! Meanwhile, there are about a hundred different types of packages on the website. Not only in South Limburg but also increasingly in the middle and north of the province.

"Entrepreneurs now often approach me themselves. For example, a caterer wanted to participate, but didn't know who he could work with. I put him in touch with a brewery. A cooperation that otherwise would not have happened, says Maurice Dassen to the Limburger.


Mertz Kleinfruit from Sint Geertruid works with Innofruit for Local7. For example in the sale of the special carnival package "ne gooje gezonne boƫjem!". Ellen Mertz says: "We've only been active since September and I think Local7 is a great platform to introduce people to our products. We have our own vegetables like broccoli, pointed cabbage, kohlrabi and fennel. And fruits like blackberries and redcurrants. When customers come to pick up their package here, they often think it's all ready to go. But it isn't. We let them choose: what do they like and what do they feel like. I can put Brussels sprouts in the package, but you have to like them, of course. Putting together a package like this has to be a celebration.

More about Local7 and how you can join as an entrepreneur can be read on the website. In De Limburger you can read the fullinterview with initiator Maurice Dassen.