KOERS: new voucher scheme for South Limburg SMEs

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24 August 2020

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The corona crisis is a major challenge for entrepreneurial Netherlands. How do you keep your business alive? Where should you start? How do you put changes into practice? Economic Cooperation South Limburg (ESZL) wants to use the KOERS voucher scheme to help SMEs with the issues of the day.

KOERS is an ESZL voucher scheme for South Limburg SMEs, aimed at continuity, growth and innovation after the corona. KOERS stands for 'Powerful Entrepreneurship And Result-Oriented Strategy' and was created to help entrepreneurs adjust their business strategy to changing circumstances. The goal? Realizing growth and remaining innovative. Because in addition to the short-term need, the corona crisis also challenges to think about the impact in the medium term.

How does it work?

With a voucher you can participate in a proven effective advisory program and the costs are (partly) compensated. The vouchers have a value of 1,000 or 2,000 euros each, depending on the chosen advisory track. A contribution is also required for each project. There are 100,000 euros in vouchers available.

What pathways are there?

There are three methodologies and advisory pathways. Strategic Innovation (SI), Business Roadmaps (BRM) and Result-oriented Entrepreneurship (RGO). On the website of ESZL you can find out what these trajectories are aimed at, for whom they are intended and how long they last. You can also read about the conditions and costs of the voucher scheme here. You can ask additional questions via info@eszl.nl.