Help with your new business case for optimal use of raw materials

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12 June 2020

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Is your company active in the agri-food sector and do you see opportunities to get more value out of raw materials through new applications or more efficient use? The Business Innovation Program will help you focus on which ideas are promising and how to translate them into concrete new revenue models for your business.

For whom

The Business Innovation Program Food is intended for entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector who need to develop new revenue models because the current model is no longer tenable or who have ideas for an additional revenue model. Participation is open to companies in agriculture, horticulture and the food processing industry as well as technology companies and logistics service providers. Limburg-based companies can also make use of the program.

The program

The Business Innovation Program Food is an initiative of the joint Regional Development Societies (ROMs). During the program you will learn how to focus in order to translate your idea into a concrete new business model. You go through ten modules, in which you are trained to work with the dimensions customer, product, business model, team and money at the right time and in the right way. Every two weeks a plenary session takes place. Here you get theory on one of the dimensions and feedback from the facilitators and other participants. You get practical assignments to prepare and complete each module. There is also room for one-to-one guidance from business development of your ROM.

Why take part

  • After completing the programme you will be ready for a pilot or launching your new business case
  • You will come into contact with the right business partners during the programme to realise your new business case
  • You will follow the programme together with other companies from the agri-food sector; you will learn from each other and from each other's mistakes
  • Compare ROM development programmes are assessed by over 120 participants with an average rating of 8.3

Practical information

  • The program is intended for entrepreneurs active in the agri-food sector
  • The program starts on September 16, 2020, end date is in December 2020
  • Participation in the program is free of charge, but a lot is expected of you
  • In addition to commitment, a minimum of 1FTE per participating company during the period the program runs is required
  • Meetings take place every two weeks

To join

You can read more about the Business Innovation Program Food at this website. You can also find contact information here to be able to apply.