Delta plan for biodiversity presented

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27 December 2018

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A broad social movement has presented its approach to nature restoration in the Netherlands. The participants are knowledge institutes, agricultural representatives (including LTO), companies, nature and environmental organizations and a bank.

The participants want to show that through better cooperation and the stimulation and appreciation of land users the loss of biodiversity can be turned around to recovery. Parties such as ministries, provinces, water boards, municipalities, companies, and interest groups are invited to join for maximum impact.

Cooperation is essential

The approach of the movement is that land users in an area will work together more, creating more opportunities for wild plants and animals. For example, a richer soil life, a wooded bank connecting nature areas, a grassland rich in herbs or a railroad embankment full of flowers. In this way endangered species can recover and nature can better adapt to climate change.

Concrete action

The Delta Plan mentions several concrete agreements to achieve more biodiversity. A few examples:

  • Supermarkets and other buyers will work to improve the position of farmers who demonstrably contribute to biodiversity restoration: through certification and quality marks, among other things.
  • M Rabobank will reward farmers who contribute to restoration with an interest rebate on loans.
  • The World Wildlife Fund, Stichting Veldleeuwerik and the Rabobank are developing a Biodiversity Monitor for arable farming, modelled on the Biodiversity Monitor already developed in dairy farming. Farmers who contribute to biodiversity restoration can thus be rewarded by various parties.
  • In 2019, 25 Natuurmonumenten management units will start implementing an agricultural scan, in which they will work with farmers to actively look for initiatives and opportunities to put the objectives from the Delta Plan into practice.
  • Farmers can contribute to the management and maintenance of public green spaces and thereby make regional cycles more balanced. LTO Netherlands and Farmers Nature will actively encourage and support farmers in this from 2019 and call on road managers to make agreements with (groups of) entrepreneurs on this.


Would you also like to contribute to more biodiversity? Go to for more information, contact details and the complete Delta Plan.