Collaboration essential in the new business

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7 October 2019

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In an increasingly complex world, collaboration between entrepreneurs, government and education has become a necessity. Although an entrepreneur is often not thrilled at the thought of cooperation, it is increasingly difficult to operate solo. This is certainly true in the Limburg agrofood sector as well.

Business, government and education

Every entrepreneur needs knowledge, skills and capital. Sooner or later, questions arise around regulations, subsidies, investments or technological development, especially now that everything seems to be getting more and more complex.

Many entrepreneurs used to find support at the regional Chamber of Commerce, but these offices disappeared after budget cuts during the crisis years. New structures and connectors were necessary and were also set up in Limburg.

Crossroads Limburg

Crossroads Limburg is such a connector, which wants to bring together companies, governments and educational institutions in North Limburg. Stephan Satijn is acting chairman and explains how within Crossroads Limburg nothing is determined in terms of content. It is solely intended to act as a connector between the three parties. Crossroads Limburg facilitates the process, but it is up to companies, schools and governments to set the course.

Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo


Tjebbe Smit, senior vice president at Océ and also vice president at Crossroads Limburg, speaks of mutual dependence between the business community and the region. Very important in this perspective is the Brighland Campus Greenport Venlo. Research into healthy food is essential for the many entrepreneurs in the agrofood sector of North Limburg. Crossroads Limburg aims to create a climate in which the parties continue to find their way to each other here.


In Central Limburg the same role is played by Keyport and in South Limburg there is the Economic Cooperation South Limburg (ESZL). That it's not always easy became clear when things went wrong in Zuid-Limburg with the Limburg Economic Development. The cooperation between entrepreneurs, government and education is not always obvious, the objectives and interests are not always the same. But although the challenge is great, going solo is not an option for any of the parties.

Source: Dagblad De Limburger