Circle farming scan helps farmers make choices for the future

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19 October 2020

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality recently introduced the recycling agriculture scan. This gives agricultural entrepreneurs, after answering a number of questions, tailored advice on future-proof choices for their business. It helps the farmer to find investment opportunities in the field of sustainable agriculture that will pay off.

This is how the circular farming scan works

The circular farming scan is an online tool on the website 'Rule Help for Business'. The first series of questions of the scan are about the company situation. This is followed by a number of more in-depth questions on topics specifically related to business operations. After filling in this information, the scan generates a relevant advice that refers to:

  • Rules at the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) that are relevant to the company
  • Articles on Green Knowledge Network that are relevant to the company
  • Recounts of farmers who are already working with circular agriculture on the Platform Kringlooplandbouw

Do the circular agriculture scan for your company here. For all government information on circular agriculture, there is this platform.