Many strawberries are produced in the Netherlands. Also, the number of strawberry growers in greenhouses is growing rapidly. To strengthen their position, a number of ambitious strawberry growers and growers are working together under the banner Fragaria Innova. In this way, they are jointly tackling challenges in the areas of labor, plant health, biodiversity, smart farming and more. In the coming years, Fragaria Innova will focus on innovations within the themes of 'growing under light' and 'plant health'.
The objective of Fragaria Innova is as follows:
"Through cooperation between future-oriented strawberry growers, with the support of external technical partners and, if desired, with the help of European, national and regional subsidies, to achieve innovation in strawberry cultivation, more specifically by promoting product and process innovation within the innovation themes 1) cultivation under light and 2) plant health, in order to realize a future-proof and economically sustainable business model for participating growers."
Cooperation with technical partners
In addition, Fragaria Innova has engaged a number of technical partners. Together they will develop new products and services. This collaboration offers the best opportunities to actually launch the innovation.
Source: Innoveins