Quality harvesting with automatic asparagus harvester in Limburg as well

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12 July 2021

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Technology company AVL Motion is introducing a new automatic asparagus harvester. The robot can harvest asparagus from the field throughout the day.

The AVL Compact S9000 has twelve harvesting modules that rotate around to harvest the asparagus. 'We have made the machine so that it can harvest asparagus continuously. This makes the future of farming a reality and puts an end to laborers in the field. Not only efficient, but also a cost reduction," says general manager Arno van Lankveld of AVL Motion from Westerbeek, Brabant.

The aspergerobot steers itself over the asperger ridges. Only at the end of a ridge does the machine have to be turned by an operator with a remote control. Then he puts the foil, with which a back is covered, into the machine.

'The machine is very user-friendly and training courses are unnecessary,' reports Van Lankveld. We designed it so that parts such as blades and grippers are easy to replace yourself. If there is something with the software, we can intervene remotely.'

High quality harvest

AVL Compact S9000. 'There is a mature machine that can develop even more, but in the base does what it should do: undisturbed quality asparagus harvesting.'

In recent years AVL Motion has worked hard to optimize its harvesting capacity. Mechanically, a maximum of nine thousand stalks per hour has been realized at a driving speed of 3.6 kilometers per hour. The S9000 weighs about 4,400 kilos and is therefore lighter than an average tractor. This keeps the soil aerated. The compact design allows for headland turns from 5 meters and takes just one minute.

Read also about Cerescon's aspergerobot: aspergerobots now really at work

Source: new-harvest.com