Minister Henk Staghouwer of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) paid a working visit to Thomas Broex's fruit farm in Gronsveld on Thursday, May 12, 2022. During this working visit, the minister got to know various entrepreneurs in Limburg, who are all working in their own way on the regional marketing of their products within the short chain. Together with Commissioner Lia Roefs (Housing, Water, Spatial Planning and Agriculture) and Susanne Görtz, multifunctional agriculture portfolio holder at the LLTB, he talked to entrepreneurs to hear their story.
The minister was very curious about how the transition of agriculture is handled and the path that these entrepreneurs have taken. Experiences were shared during the afternoon, including during various 'speed dates' that the minister had with involved parties. This gave him a good picture of the Limburg farmers, who generate an earnings model through local sales. The minister was impressed by this way of entrepreneurship. "It gives me energy to see how entrepreneurs think ahead and work on the future. Short chains can certainly contribute to this. That is why it is important to continue to discuss the opportunities and obstacles that arise. Fruit grower Thomas Broex shows in any case that there are many possibilities", said the minister.
Earnings Model
Earnings Model
Lia Roefs states: "As deputy for agriculture I think it is important that farmers can earn an honest living. Having an earnings model for the agricultural sector after the agricultural transition should be of paramount importance. This working visit allowed us to informally introduce the minister to short-chain entrepreneurship. Various parties have shown the opportunities and challenges that exist. It was nice to see the enthusiasm with which the Minister and the agricultural entrepreneurs conducted their discussions. I am proud that we were able to introduce the minister to this way of working in such an informal way.
Opportunities & challenges
Susanne Görtz of the LLTB also thought it was a successful working visit in which the fruit cultivation in South Limburg could show itself well. "It was a fascinating afternoon during which we were able to show the minister the opportunities, challenges and possibilities in the field of short chains, but also new chains, in fruit growing. We gave him the message that producers cannot make the sustainability transition alone. Chain cooperation and decisiveness from the government are required. The regional market and sales are also important, because the shorter the chain, the better it is for the grower. It is also important that consumers choose Euroregional products.