World's first climate-positive coffee launches in the Netherlands: Wonder Beans

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3 November 2023

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First climate-positive coffee in the world launches in the Netherlands: Wonder Beans

From today, the Netherlands has a climate-positive brand: Wonder Beans. Wonder Beans, one of the brands of the We Wonder Company, is the first coffee to absorb more CO₂ than it emits. Not only are they doing everything they can to prevent CO₂ emissions, the brand is also converting coffee plantations into "Wonder Farms. They do this using the farming method Carbon Farming: where as much as eight times more CO₂ can be absorbed than with regular farming methods. The coffee is 100% organic, circular, flavorful and all for a fair price for the farmer and consumer. Wonder Beans' goal: to turn all 15 million coffee and tea plantations in the world into carbon-absorbing Wonder Farms, by being open and honest about their practices and inspiring others.

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Wonder Farms


The seventh edition of Coffee Barometer, an annual survey that publishes an overview of sustainability within the coffee sector, came out recently. It showed, among other things, that in eight out of ten coffee-producing countries, the farmer's coffee income is at or below the level of a living wage. In order to still be able to make ends meet, farmers keep expanding their plantations: as a result, 130,000 hectares of forest have been lost in recent years. This must change, Wonder Beans believes, which is why the coffee brand is creating the Wonder Farms. Regular coffee and tea plantations are transformed into Wonder Farms. On these, the modern farming method Carbon Farming is applied, which allows up to eight times more CO₂ to be absorbed. They do this plantation by plantation with the ultimate goal of converting all 15 million hectares of coffee and tea plantations in the world to carbon-guzzling Wonder Farms through knowledge sharing. The brand buys directly from the farmer, meaning there are no traders, exporters or importers involved. This ensures conservation of nature, quality and the farmer is guaranteed a fair price.


Founders Ferry and Maarten started Wonder Beans with the goal of leaving the earth as good as possible for the future generation. After years of experience at commercial companies, Ferry Poppegaai said it was time to put everything he had learned to work for a better world. Ferry: "Nowadays it is so obvious that we deplete the earth. As a fact of life. Surely it should be possible to turn the tide if we join hands to achieve positive climate change together. Where the planet is balanced and livable for future generations. We owe it to all the children of this world." Things could be different, Ferry thought, and so they were: the first climate-positive coffee brand Wonder Beans was born.

Crazy good coffee & tea for home and work


The coffee from Wonder Beans is 100% organic, circular and is rated 8.5+ on taste. The range is wide, from attractively priced to very special single estate specialty coffees. Wonder Beans targets both consumers and businesses. Businesses receive the coffee in unique coffee cans, developed together with Wageningen University, in order to achieve the most sustainable form of packaging. Consumers receive the coffee beans in a plastic-free mailbox bag, and the coffee cups can even be put on the compost pile after use. But that's not all, the We Wonder Company also sells Wonder Leaves: hand-picked teas, various herbal teas and infusions of the highest quality. The tea bags are packaged in boxes made from plantation waste, 100% circular.
