Series of Master Classes "Are You Innovating?"

Item date:

26 April 2022

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Design Thinking and Employee Engagement

Two masterclasses that will inspire you and give you concrete tools to get started! Last week LIOF kicked off the series of Masterclasses around the theme "Do you innovate with us? Guido Stompff took us through a fascinating story about how innovation starts from an often simple idea. An idea that subsequently gets hands and feet and through framing and reframing develops into a full-fledged business plan! And at the table, Josse Kunst of Arapaha and Joyce Boumans of Sessibon talked about how they and their team came up with new innovative business concepts.

Would you like to watch the broadcast again? You can do so via thisĀ link.

Masterclasses 10 & 24 May

In May we will be organizing two more master classes on Design Thinking and Employee Engagement, in which we will inspire you as an entrepreneur to start working with innovation and social impact, and offer you tools to put this into practice immediately. We also inform you about the concrete support opportunities that the program Limburg Futureproof can offer you as an entrepreneur.