Psylaris winner Challenge Tech for Inclusion 2021

Item date:

10 February 2022

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Where digitization, health, and inclusion come together

The Coalition for Technology and Inclusion (CTI) has challenged various parties in the fall of 2021 to submit proposals for pilots that use technology to better enable people with disabilities to (continue to) work. Employers, technology developers, educational institutions, people with disabilities and their supporters have jointly submitted several proposals for pilots.

UWV has reviewed the applications and one of the winners is LIOF portfolio company Psylaris with VR goggles for people with psychosocial complaints. VR goggles are used to help employees with stress/burnout with their mental resilience. During this pilot ten to fifteen films will be developed and tested in several rounds with end users. Participating employers are LIOF, MECC, Radar and Xonar.

Would your company like to participate in this pilot? Let Psylaris know at