Podcast on rural energy opportunities

Item date:

12 September 2024

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By our partner: LLTB

The primary sector as an important link in the transition to a more regionally organized energy supply. This challenge and at the same time opportunity for our sector is the focus of the podcast "Will farmers remain desperately needed?"


In the podcast, Nieuwe Oogst, in collaboration with De Boeren Academie, enters into a conversation with LLTB members Marcel van Helvoirt (van Helvoirt Melkvee) and Bas Korten (Zorgboerderij Rondmeer, also a member of CLZ), Lieke Raaijmakers-Potten (RES program manager North and Central Limburg) and those involved in the LLTB project 'Farming with Energy'. The central question is how and with what examples the primary sector can actively contribute to the energy supply of the future. Innovative cooperation and the development of energy clusters appear to be crucial in this.

The podcast can be found at:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/44CInUMf4ZShk8u7kBpYTo

Podbean: https://deboerenacademie.podbean.com/.../aflevering-2.../

Or through the channels of New Harvest: https://www.nieuweoogst.nl/.../podcast-blijven-boeren...
