Money for innovative agriculture in Limburg

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5 February 2024

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Agrarians in the province of Limburg can from Thursday, February 15, 2024 9:00 am to Thursday, April 25, 2024 5:00 pm apply for subsidies for productive investments. This includes, for example, the purchase of machinery for precision fertilization, installations for renewable energy and heat generation or cooling systems for an optimal barn climate. A total of 2.2 million euros is being made available from the European Union and the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) program. The Province of Limburg is making an additional investment of approximately 1.5 million euros on top of this. With these amounts the authorities want to support farmers and ensure that investments contribute positively to air and water quality, soil conditions and animal welfare.


"The livability of the countryside and nature is under pressure. We welcome the financial stimulus from Europe and others for agriculture in Limburg. It is important that farmers are stimulated to invest in their businesses."

Jasper Kuntzelaers, delegate for agriculture Province of Limburg


The arrangement


For decades Dutch agriculture has been among the most innovative in the world. The reduction of costs, increase in scale and increase in production mean that considerable change is needed. That change demands a lot from farmers. It is important that they become more sustainable while responding to social challenges in the areas of environment, biodiversity, climate and water. In order to help these farmers, subsidies are available for investments that contribute to the earning capacity of the farmer, the profitability of their business and at the same time contribute to better quality soil, water, air or animal welfare. There is a list of investments that are eligible for subsidy. Farmers up to age 40 can receive a higher subsidy rate of 55%. For more information on subsidy opportunities, conditions, and relevant information and tips, visit European-agricultural-subsidies(opens external website) or the website of Stimulus Program Management(opens external website).

About CAP Grants


Each member state of the European Union gives its own interpretation of the new CAP that has been in place since Jan. 1, 2023. The CAP23-27 program runs from 2023 to 2027. The 22 subsidy schemes from CAP23-27 are divided into national schemes (state schemes) and schemes by province. The national schemes include income support for farmers and the eco-scheme. These national schemes are implemented by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO). In addition, there are several provincial schemes. Stimulus Program Management implements these for the provinces of Limburg, Noord-Brabant and Gelderland.
