LWV and Land of Makers commit to uniting and strengthening Limburg's manufacturing industry

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12 June 2024

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The manufacturing industry plays a major role in Limburg's economic dynamism. Ron Coenen and Dick Moerkens offer insights into this crucial sector and look back at the April 23 event, which LWV and Land of Makers organized together for the first time.

text: Yara Purnot - photo: Pieternel Clabbers

LWV event at Linssen Yachts

Importance of the manufacturing industry for Limburg


"Northern Limburg is home to a very wide diversity of manufacturing companies," says Dick Moerkens, Senior Vice President Manufacturing & Logistics at Canon and Chairman Land of Makers. "There are 300 in total, including both small SMEs and larger players." Ron Coenen, chairman LWV: "From the LWV, we represent those interests and try to be significant within the entrepreneurial climate of Limburg."

Unite and strengthen


Overarching themes such as labor shortages, sustainability, innovation and digitalization transcend individual companies and require collective action. Land of Makers, a network of North Limburg manufacturing companies, strives to address these challenges collectively because they are too complex to solve alone.

Dick explains: "We are trying to jump into that gap and see how we can make sure that we unite and strengthen each other. So that we can take the overall competitiveness and of course the growth of the manufacturing industry in Limburg to the next level. Ron adds: "It makes no sense if everyone stays on their own little island. Let's join forces and see if we can act together. The challenges are now so great that you can no longer do it alone."

Event for the Limburg Manufacturing Industry


A LWV member event for the Limburg manufacturing industry took place on Tuesday, April 23. Land of Makers was co-organizer. "The focus was on the importance of the manufacturing industry for Limburg," says Ron. "With several speakers, a panel discussion and tour, it was a time to meet, share experiences and discuss common challenges."

"For this, we were guests of Linssen Yachts," says Dick. "A beautiful company with all kinds of things to see. At meetings like this, we try to create a casual setting. It's quite a struggle to get manufacturing companies to join. An event like this helps to project that you don't have to do it alone. We see these themes and challenges, now let's pick them up together."

Dick & Ron

Great Challenges

The challenges in the manufacturing industry, range from sustainability to labor shortages to international competition, among others. "We are a unique province in that we are surrounded by two national borders," Ron explains. "That makes the political discussion surrounding international students and workers hit us twice as hard. But this also means that our business and entrepreneurial climate is under considerable pressure. Very big issues that affect our province extra."

Dick acknowledges, "Those are really big issues that Ron mentions. On top of the topic that it's already no easy task to be able to attract labor and talent at all. That's kind of why we are so committed to that uniting and strengthening. As a small SME you just don't get it done. There is an increasing need to join network organizations."


"As the saying goes, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon," laughs Dick. "I'll go a little further and make it spartathlon. Digitization, automation and robotization are container terms that are extremely important to make that next move. But first there has to be an awareness and knowledge of what great things are already out there."

Ron: "For large parties it is still doable, but the broad SME cannot do this alone. There too it is important to join forces, learn from each other and then see what we can pick up together." Dick adds, "Often you just don't know what's out there in your own region. Sharing and showing the story is ultimately also what you have to do towards young talent. Because by doing so you show what diversity there is and what cool things are possible."

Taking advantage of opportunities

"A lot is happening, but fragmented or duplicated," Ron says. "Parties can look for each other better in this. In Limburg, we have three Triple Helix organizations and four campuses. We can make even more and better use of that potential. Fortunately, you can see a movement of cooperation emerging there as well. It is important to act more as one voice. Make choices, determine the economic DNA of the region, follow through and strengthen each other. Let's start having that conversation."

"Within the business community itself, it's already complicated," Dick says. What kind of manufacturing industry do we want to be? An absolute common theme is that we need to become more sustainable. So what are other focus themes and how do you close that triple helix with each other. With entrepreneurs, education and government. And then put all your efforts into this. But then you have to dare to make choices. And I think that is what is currently lacking."


"Let's think broader and bigger together. With Land of the Makers as a branch within LWV that promotes the manufacturing climate. Then there will again be room for further growth and cooperation."

Transition essays

"We have some really big transition opps," says Ron. "Making the manufacturing industry more sustainable is not something that will be sorted out next week. It just takes time. The world is not going to be different overnight. But you have to empower companies to be intentional about that transition."

Dick adds: "We are in good spirits to make sure we sharpen the narrative, unite and strengthen ourselves and start addressing those challenges. Together with LWV, Land of Makers has more leeway and execution power. Hopefully we can bring together as many makers who realize that this is an essential step to take. And then take the next strengthening step so that really that collaboration and consolidation happens throughout Limburg."

View all images from the Event for the Limburg Manufacturing Industry here.

Source: LWV
