Limburg cannot implement 'unfeasible' nitrogen plans

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24 June 2022

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Province Limburg cannot implement the nitrogen plans in the starting note of Minister Christianne van der Wal (VVD, Nature and Nitrogen). The Limburg Provincial Council adopted a motion to that effect, submitted by CDA, VVD and Lokaal Limburg. The motion was also supported by SP and PvdA.

Photo: © Twan Wiermans


With this, the States call the interpretation of the objectives per area, as indicated by the Minister, in many cases unrealistic, not attuned to the local situation, unfeasible and without real prospects for agriculture. The States also ask for a proportionate contribution to the reduction of nitrogen by other sectors, such as industry and aviation.

The CDA also supported a motion by PVV and the Limburg Cooperation Council rejecting the existing nitrogen policy. In this motion the nitrogen problem is called "a created problem", "based on models and calculations instead of facts and opinions". This motion was also adopted.

Further, the States supported a motion by the SP that the province not allow itself to decentralize problems from the cabinet without sufficient money and perspective for farmers. Also, the financial burden of the nitrogen reduction and transition in agriculture must be divided fairly across the entire chain of agro-industry, feed companies, banks and supermarkets, with the strongest shoulders bearing the heaviest burden.

Perspective unclear

The GroenLinks member of the provincial executive responsible for nitrogen, Geert Gabriëls, also has difficulty with the government's plans. In itself he supports the objective, but the guidelines, instruments and perspective for the farmers are completely unclear, according to Gabriëls. There also needs to be clarity on the earnings model for farmers. 'This all needs to be clear before we can really get started,' he said.

'We are pursuing the maximum goals,' Gabriëls supported the starting memorandum, but added: 'Not like a headless chicken, and with maximum attention to the liveability of the countryside. Like the Provincial Executive, Gabriëls regrets that the government has not yet provided clarity about the approach to industry and other sectors that must also contribute to nitrogen reduction.


Source: new-harvest