Limburg and Europe support the innovative farmer

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12 September 2024

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The provincial government has approved Limburg's financial contribution to the collaborative innovation European Innovation Partnership (EIP) subsidy scheme. Farmers in the province of Limburg can apply for subsidies from Monday, August 26, 2024 to Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to innovate for a sustainable and future-proof agriculture. A condition for granting the subsidy is that the innovation takes place in collaboration. The subsidy ceiling from Limburg and Europe together is 2.5 million euros.

This scheme is part of the Common Agricultural Policy and the National Strategic Plan (CAP/NSP). The CAP focuses on future-proof farming with the aim of strengthening the innovative power of Limburg agriculture and horticulture.

"For decades, Dutch agriculture has been among the most innovative in the world. The reduction of costs, increase in scale and increase in production mean that considerable change is needed. That change demands a lot from farmers. It is important that they become more sustainable while responding to social challenges in the areas of environment, biodiversity, climate and water," said Jasper Kuntzelaers, deputy for agriculture. "By linking knowledge and experience, embracing innovation and acting together, we can shape the transition and work toward a future-proof existence for entrepreneurs."

EIP scheme


The EIP scheme is about new, broader-scale initiatives that contribute to the transition to sustainable, future-proof agriculture. Think, for example, of the establishment of profitable resilient earning models, the use of new technologies and/or digitalization to strengthen competitiveness or the formation of sustainable value chains. There is also a focus on biodiversity, landscape, efficient management of natural resources (water, soil and air) as well as challenges surrounding climate change. Initiatives that respond to societal expectations regarding food safety, health, sustainable production methods, reducing food waste and improving animal welfare can also claim these funds. To realize this transition, cooperation between entrepreneurs and parties (such as chain partners, research, education and the like) is crucial.

Submit application


Collaborations can submit applications from August 26, 09:00 until October 1, 2024 17:00. The grant amounts to a minimum of €50,000 and a maximum of €500,000 per application. Specific conditions regarding the submission of a grant application can be found at Selection of applications will take place via a tender by an independent external advisory committee based on the selection criteria and weighting used.

About the CAP grants


Each member state of the European Union gives its own interpretation of the new CAP that has been in place since January 1, 2023. The CAP23-27 program runs from 2023 to 2027. The 22 subsidy schemes from CAP23-27 are divided into national schemes (state schemes) and schemes by province. The national schemes include income support for farmers and the eco-scheme. These national schemes are implemented by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO). In addition, there are several provincial schemes. Stimulus Program Management implements these for the provinces of Limburg, Noord-Brabant and Gelderland. More information can be found at Stimulus.
