Ivengi.com: technical superheroes with social skills

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8 July 2020

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"#optimallydigital We go for a digital solution with optimal results"

Guido Wintjens, general manager Ivengi

LIOF helps this entrepreneur with:

LIOF helps this entrepreneur with:

Funding from the LIOF Participation Fund.

A project of: LIOF Participation Fund

LIOF and Ivengi

Guido Wintjens and Ivo Maas, management of Ivengi, tell: 

"We make sure that companies are optimally digital. That means we build online applications and smart websites to handle digital projects in a structured way." Still sound a bit vague? Understandable. A clear example makes this clearer: "We built a web portal for the Limburg Water Supply Company. Just log in and you can arrange all your affairs online. Inform us of your move, enter your meter reading. A little later you get your final bill. It seems so simple and so easy to use, but behind this platform there is an enormous amount of technology and software. We are proud of that."

This requires vision and courage from the client
The demand is there, that's clear

That's why Ivengi.com wants to develop faster, grow faster. "So that we can also meet this demand. A partner like LIOF is ideal for that." Like Ivengi.com, LIOF has the digitization of Limburg as a high priority. "We saw that as a nice starting point. We were not looking for a pure investor alone, but really a strategic partner. We strengthen each other and together we can help a lot of companies to take a hit and grow."

'We were looking not only for an investor,  but also a strategic partner'


We both have the same focus: digitalization 

LIOF is convinced that it has chosen for the collaboration with Ivengi.com. "It's our job to help SMEs and the Limburg economy grow sustainably," says Gaby Zandbergen, investment manager at LIOF. We share an important focus with Ivengi.com: optimal digitalization of Limburg enterprises."

Just that little push

Gaby Zandbergen went into conversation with the men of Ivengi.com. "This confirmed my image of a professionally run company with a lot of personal commitment. Together we made the growth path of Ivengi.com clear. This also clarified the investment needed to give Ivengi.com the push it needs to realize its potential." Guido is enthusiastic about the collaboration: "By looking at your company together with LIOF you see things you've been doing for years 'because you do them'. But is that also the best way? It is a good time to take another critical look at things. We want to grow together."

'If you look at your company together with LIOF,  Then you might see things that you have been doing for years 'because you do them'."


If you want to get far, go together

Does Guido have a tip for other entrepreneurs? "LIOF is very critical and can seem rigid at times. You have to see it through. You have to dare to give your own vision. Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to move forward again. That can be frustrating, but never lose sight of your goal. We want to make Ivengi.com grow. That doesn't always come naturally, but then remember: if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."