INDUSTR_I4.0 Feasibility Studies

Item date:

22 April 2024

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grant industr_14.0 feasibility

Do you want to investigate prior to a Innovation Project whether the innovation of a product, process or service is technically, organizationally or economically feasible? Then you can investigate this with a Feasibility Study. For this, INDUSTR_I4.0 makes a contribution of 10,000 euros available.

Within INDUSTR_I4.0 you work together with a partner from the neighboring country that is located within the program area. The application includes a project plan and a project budget. A final report must be submitted for completion of the feasibility study, on which the grant will be determined.


The main features

  • Suitable for SMEs active in (manufacturing) industry.
  • Within the Innovation Project you collaborate with another independent organization from the applicant's neighboring country (and located within the program area).
  • For the Feasibility Study you will receive a maximum contribution of €1,250.
  • The grant will reimburse 50% of the total cost of the project.
  • Eligible: labor costs + 40% markup.

Main conditions

  • As an applicant, you are an SME* and you are based in the program area.
  • You are collaborating with another independent organization from the neighboring country located within the program area (preferably also an SME).
  • You use the study to prepare for a follow-up project that fits within the goals of the INDUSTR_I4.0.
  • The application is determined on the basis of a draft budget and final report. In addition, a final interview will take place.

*Doubting whether your company is considered an SME? Then use the SME test (pdf).

What do you need to apply


Would you like to submit an application for in Feasibility Study? Then the following documents are important:

Optional you can attach an authorization from your intermediary. A video clip/pitch clip is not required for a feasibility study.
