GROW 22: New talent determines future of Limburg agrofood sector

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5 April 2022

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Also in 2022, the innovative event GROW is on the agenda. Limburg agrofood students will inspire the business community with fantastic, innovative agrofood concepts in the areas of food, sustainability and technology on 23 June at the Villa Flora in Venlo. In this way the new talents will show their best side to their potential employers of tomorrow.

New talent partly determines the future of companies in the Limburg agrofood sector. This is exactly why it is so important that students come into contact with and can present their views on the future to the business community. Only then will these potential employees get the chance to develop further in practice and will the labor market be able to make optimal use of the fresh perspective of young newcomers.

Once again, the potential employees will be able to present their vision of the future to the business community.


Meeting Place

The province of Limburg, Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo, LIOF, LLTB and the Limburg educational institutions, being: HAS University of Applied Sciences, Yuverta, Gilde Opleidingen/Vista College, Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Maastricht University Campus Venlo, have, after three previous successful GROW editions, decided to reconfirm their cooperation at this event by signing a covenant. Where an online version of the event was necessary last year, the organization aims to organize a physical event again this year, where encounters between students and businesses are central.

"I am proud that students from all levels of education within the agricultural and food field can get to know each other in an informal way during GROW."

Connection between education and business

Connection between education and business

"I am proud that students from all educational levels within the agricultural and food domain can get to know each other in an informal way during GROW. The matching event ensures that we are able to bind and bind talent to the great opportunities that the innovative agrofood field in Limburg has to offer," said provincial executive member Lia Roefs.

"The great thing about GROW is the enormous diversity of projects shown by the participating educational institutions. In it they answer - from various disciplines - a wide variety of questions from the agri-food sector. The visibility given to students and the products they develop is of great importance, as is the connection that can be made with entrepreneurs from the region. We hope to surprise and inspire visitors during GROW 2022! states the educational institutions involved."