Greenport North focuses on energy transition

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11 May 2022

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The Greenport Noord that was officially launched this week will focus on energy transition, knowledge development and innovation. This also applies to improving the connection of green education to the regional horticulture. Greenport Noord is a partnership of 95 northern horticultural entrepreneurs and organizations related to the horticultural sector.

© Han Reindsen

A survey among 24 growers and various suppliers and traders in Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe shows that horticulturalists in the north are already working hard on becoming less dependent on natural gas. This is the subject most often mentioned, along with personnel policy and recruitment and investments in machinery. The horticulturalists mention the good connections in the northern Netherlands, sufficient room to expand and the support base among local residents as plus points.

Home gardeners find it more difficult to deal with the distance to the trade, the fact that there are fewer hours of sunshine than in the western Netherlands and the reduced dynamics in the area. The distance to the horticultural concentration area in the Western Netherlands and the limited possibilities to participate in the energy transition are also mentioned. Market gardeners also consider it a handicap that the concentration areas in the northern Netherlands for greenhouse horticulture are actually too small individually to have sufficient clout.


Future wishes

A Greenport, as a partnership and regional network organization, can improve this, say the initiators. Horticulture in the Northern Netherlands has grown through cooperation. We see in other areas that a Greenport helps enormously," says cucumber grower Inge Bergsma-de Vries from Erica in Drenthe. According to her, the horticulturalists in the north of the Netherlands have found each other because they face the same problems, culture and future wishes.

In addition to entrepreneurs in greenhouse horticulture, bulb growing, fruit growing and arboriculture, regional governments and parties from the agribusiness, green education and knowledge institutions have joined forces. For example, the Greenport status creates a single point of contact for governments. In addition to energy transition, the partners are working on matters such as a better business climate, housing for migrant workers, spatial planning, innovation projects and facilitating entrepreneurs in sustainability.

The establishment of Greenport Noord makes it the eighth Greenport in the Netherlands. Other Greenports are located in Noord-Holland Noord, Aalsmeer, Duin- en Bollenstreek, Boskoop, West- and Oostland, Gelderland and Venlo. A Greenport is also in preparation in Oost-Brabant.


Source: newharvest