To sustainably strengthen the manufacturing industry in North and Central Limburg, Fontys University of Applied Sciences (hbo) and Gilde Opleidingen (mbo) are joining forces with the Center for Engineering Manufacturing (CEM) in Venlo. The CEM focuses on training and retraining professionals for the future of the manufacturing industry. They do this with a focus on the subsectors mechatronics, engineering, metal technology, mechanical and electrical engineering. The CEM provides a unique, hybrid learning environment in which students, teachers and employees from industry work together in a practical environment.
With the CEM, Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Gilde Opleidingen are taking an important step to strengthen and modernize the connection between education and the manufacturing industry in the region. "Our region has a strongly represented manufacturing industry. With this knowledge center we want to ensure together that this sector can continue to develop in the future," said Jos Hegeman, director of Education Clusters Health & Hospitality and Economy & Technology within Gilde Opleidingen.
"Our region has a strongly represented manufacturing industry. With this knowledge center, together we want to ensure that this sector can continue to develop in the future."

New Robotics Lab
The Center for Engineering Manufacturing has two main locations in Venlo. The first location is the brand new Roboticalab, located on the Fontys campus on the Tegelseweg. The first classes will be held here from February 2025. The Roboticalab forms an innovative learning environment where the latest technologies in the field of robotics and automation are central. Both college and university students will work together with professionals, teachers and researchers on practice-oriented projects and issues. The MBO programs Technician Engineering (bol) and Technician Mechatronics (bbl) level 4 of Gilde Opleidingen will move to this Fontys location. The second location is the workshop in the existing Technodôme at Gilde Opleidingen on Hagerhofweg. Here, vmbo-, mbo- (and later in the school year) also hbo-students follow practical lessons in technique. Students can gain experience in various fields, such as metal, mechatronics and woodworking.
Innovative and future-oriented education
.The CEM is a place where education and business come together. Through a hybrid education model, MBO and HBO students work together with teachers and people from the business world on practical projects and current issues. Thus, students receive practice-oriented education that meets the requirements of a rapidly changing labor market and prepares them as professionals of the future. Wendy Mackus, director of Technology and Logistics at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, explains: "Students get the chance to work with the latest technologies in a real, hands-on setting. Through this collaboration with the business community, we ensure that our students are well prepared for their future as professionals and the challenges that come with that. That is exactly what the manufacturing industry in our region needs."
First look
Wondering what Gilde Opleidingen, Fontys University of Applied Sciences and the Center for Engineering Manufacturing have to offer? The official opening of the Robotics Lab will follow on Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025, a festive moment to celebrate the future of the manufacturing industry in North and Central Limburg together.