Eurostars: grant international market-oriented R&D

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13 January 2025

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Are you an SME in a technological research and development sector? Do you work or want to work with partners in other countries? Then you may be able to make use of Eurostars. The grant stimulates faster development and growth of small companies.



The Ministry of Economic Affairs makes €22 million available annually for the Eurostars program, divided over 2 calls per year.



To be eligible for funding, your project and consortium must meet the following international conditions:

  • The project is led by an innovative SME from a Eurostars country (consult the Eureka website for a list of Eurostars countries).
  • The consortium consists of at least 2 independent entities.
  • The consortium consists of entities from at least 2 Eurostars countries.
  • The project's budget is at least 50% borne by SMEs.
  • No participant or country is responsible for more than 70% of the project costs.
  • The total project duration is maximum 36 months.
  • The project has an exclusive focus on civil applications.

National condition


In addition to the international conditions, Dutch participants are also subject to a national condition. There must always be a company affiliated with the Dutch part of the consortium to be eligible for funding. Thus, knowledge institutions can only receive funding if a Dutch company is involved in the application. If no Dutch company is involved in the project, Dutch knowledge institutions can still participate in a Eurostar project at their own expense.

Height of subsidy and percentages


The subsidy percentages of eligible R&D project costs are as follows:

  • SME: 50%
  • knowledge institution: 50%
  • large company and other participants: 40%

The maximum grant is €500,000 per project. Only project costs directly related to research and development activities will be funded. Learn more about the grant rules from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ). Participating parties must finance the remaining costs through their own contribution.

Check out all the info here