European projects close to you

Item date:

7 February 2022

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The new European programs for the period 2021-2027 are coming! The Province would like to come to you at the three locations below in preparation for the first call for the Interreg programs. Do you have a good idea for a cross-border project? Then register now for the sessions 'European projects close to you' on 7, 9 or 11 March 2022!

The sessions 'European projects close to you' serve as a helping hand if you want to apply for a grant from one of the European subsidy programs. During this 1 on 1 session of one and a half hours the program advisors work with you on the project. They can also help you find relevant partners for the project.

  • Monday, March 7: Brightlands Chemelot Campus, Sittard-Geleen
  • Wednesday, March 9: Brightlands Campus Greenport, Venlo
  • Friday, March 11: Het Ondernemersplein Limburg, Roermond
  • .


The Interreg programs support cooperation between businesses, governments and knowledge institutions. Projects must contribute to current social challenges. These include the climate, energy, health, agriculture and food transitions, or digitization.

  • Interreg Germany-Netherlands;
  • Interreg Euregio
  • Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine;
  • Interreg Flanders-Netherlands;
  • Interreg North-West Europe;
  • Interreg North-Sea Region;

For whom.

The sessions are intended for companies and organizations in Limburg that have a concrete border-crossing project plan or project idea that is in line with the Interreg objectives.

Registration is possible until Tuesday, February 22, 2022 via the registration form. There are a limited number of places available. Projects will be selected based on quality and fit with the relevant European program. Via the form you can pass on your preferred date and location. We will then use this information to make the best possible schedule. By Thursday, February 24, 2022, you will be informed if you are eligible for the session and the final time slot with location. See you soon!

Reacties (1)

Fons Schreurs

Thursday 17 February 2022 - 14:03

Ondersteuning Intellectueel Eigendom

Ik sta open om te ondersteunen bij Intellectueel Eigendom vragen. Ik geef namens RVO/Octrooi centrum Nederland gratis, onafhankelijk en vertrouwelijke voorlichting.