Energy investment allowance (EIA) for entrepreneurs

Item date:

26 July 2024

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Do you have a business investing in an asset that reduces carbon emissions? Energy efficient? Or do you want to invest in renewable energy? Then make use of the Energy Investment Allowance (EIA) scheme. You can then deduct 40% of the investment costs from the profit. This reduces your taxable profit.

The scheme gives you an average of 10% benefit. And in addition, you have the usual depreciation for your investment and a lower energy bill. For 2024 there is a budget of €259 million.

For whom:

The EIA is for all entrepreneurs subject to income tax or corporate income tax. A government organization, foundation or association can also take advantage of the EIA if they pay corporate income tax. The scheme is not for individuals.



One of the most important conditions of the EIA is that your investment meets the description under one of the codes of the Energy List.

Energy List

With our online search tool you can check whether your investment is on the Energy List 2024. It allows you to quickly search by industry, your environmental goal, technology, operating asset, the code itself or any other keyword. Or consult our brochure Energy list 2024. This can be found on the online search tool page.

Energy List 2024

All terms and conditions


There are other important conditions. We have listed these for you. View all terms and conditions.


General information Energy List


Do you want more general information about the Energy List? For example, about the structure of the list in certain themes, categories? Or the codes we distinguish? View general information about the Energy List

Categories and themes


The EIA offers opportunities for entrepreneurs in various sectors, such as construction, greenhouse construction, livestock farming and industry


After your inquiry

Have you submitted your application? Then you will receive a confirmation of receipt with a reference number by e-mail. You will receive this within a few hours after you have sent the application form. Would you like to see more about your application later? For example, about its receipt, registration, verification, decision or related correspondence? Or respond to it? Log in again with eRecognition and go to your application.

EIA in practice


Would you like to know who took advantage of the EIA? Read a selection of real-life stories from entrepreneurs.

View real-life stories from entrepreneurs

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