Both well-known Limburg and national names fill the program of the congress 'Limburg Verduurzaamt 2024' that will take place on Friday, November 29, 2024 at the Parkstad Stadion Limburg. The congress organized by the WoonWijzerWinkel Limburg - in cooperation with REScoop Limburg, Groene Economie Limburg and the 7 Parkstad municipalities - has already managed to tie well-known names such as Jan Rotmans, Diederik Samsom, Donald Pols and Doekle Terpstra to the event and once again expects to present a very interesting program including a debate about the future!

The latest developments and current events
.Chaired by chairman of the day Bas van Mulken, the day will be entirely devoted to the promotion of sustainability in Limburg and the Euroregion and the expected challenges in terms of our shared sustainable vision, sustainable policies and their implementation.
The conference is aimed at government, business, energy cooperatives, housing associations and concerned citizens. The day's program is shaped by various presentations, keynotes, lectures and lively debates divided under the main themes: Euroregional sustainable knowledge sharing, Innovative technologies and The practical approach in the neighborhood. Themes that according to initiator Marwin Dekkers (general director of the WoonWijzerWinkel Limburg) are extremely important and urgent for the province of Limburg and its closest neighbors such as Germany.
In the Sustainable Limburg Future Debate, the leaders of the Dutch energy transition will look at these developments and more importantly, they will look at the do's and dont's for a more sustainable future of Limburg/The Netherlands.
.Together we are building a sustainable Limburg
.The congress was created in part to increase cooperation and mutual knowledge sharing within Limburg. "We all face an enormous challenge when it comes to achieving the 2050 climate goals. Cooperation and joining forces are absolutely necessary for this," says Marwin Dekkers. The urgency and enthusiasm already proved to be great last year with a large turnout during the congress. "This year it promises to be another interesting and inspiring day," says Dekkers.
Subscribing to the congress
.For those for whom this interesting program is not enough, the congress also offers the perfect opportunity to network with specialists, frontrunners and interested parties in the field of climate & energy transition while enjoying dinner and drinks. All this will be offered in addition to the regular congress ticket as the 'Roda Social Soccer Networking Event' where visitors will have the opportunity to watch the match Roda J.C. - FC. Volendam. Throughout the day one may enter the congress at any time. More information about the congress and the full program of the day can be found at
Direct tickets can be ordered at the link below:
Source: The Limburger