Circular chain project grant (CKP).

Item date:

13 March 2025

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Are you an entrepreneur and want to design, make or organize your product, process or service in a more sustainable way? And would you like help with this from an experienced process supervisor? Contribute to the transition to an economy in which we save (rare) resources and reduce our CO2 emissions. Work together with partners to close your chain. Apply for the Circular Chain Projects (CKP) grant.

Budget and application period

  • Start date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 09:00
  • End date: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 12:00
  • Total budget: €3,944,000

Please note: the budget for this scheme is (very likely) oversubscribed. We assess applications in order of receipt. We draw lots between complete applications that came in on the day the budget ran out (March 11, 2025).

For whom?

This grant is for SME entrepreneurs or large entrepreneurs (maximum one per partnership) who (will) work together to close a product or material chain. These entrepreneurs have an active role in at least 3 links of the product or material chain. This gives them a lasting role in the chain collaboration after the project is completed.

A link in a circular chain is indispensable in the chain as a whole and adds value to the product or material. Examples of indispensable links are:

  • producers
  • users
  • processors
  • raw material suppliers
  • retailers
  • repairers
  • collectors
  • producers of secondary raw materials

Or you are an entrepreneur who does not have a concrete lead role in the chain, such as:

  • knowledge providers
  • contract research organizations
  • project developers
  • labor intermediaries

Please note: You will not receive a grant if organizations in your chain are connected. For example, a parent and subsidiary company.

Looking for partners to close your supply chain? Get tailored help from the Versnellingshuis Nederland Circulair.

What do you get subsidies for?

You will receive a subsidy for activities that remove barriers to making your products, processes or services circular. In an existing or (partially) new chain. The activities have to do with the circularity, novelty or collaboration in the project. You find out in collaboration what you need to remove these barriers. Mutual trust, knowledge sharing and an experienced process supervisor who knows the sector, region and the interplay between the parties will help.

You bring the result of the project to the market or apply it in your business operations.

How much grant?

If we approve your grant application, we also require a portion from you as a business owner. You will receive 50% subsidy on the costs incurred. You pay the other 50% yourself.

You calculate how much subsidy you will receive through the fixed hourly rate system. The grant is a maximum of €20,000 for each entrepreneur in a chain.

Learn more