Chipmunk Health: how do we make your life easier?

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13 April 2021

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"Chipmunk is there for the physician and the patient. Our data analysis helps doctors to make decisions. And the patient gets more insight into their health in their personal Chipmunk environment. The big profit? More quality of life for the patient and"

Erik Duijsens, founder and CEO Chipmunk

LIOF helps this entrepreneur with:

LIOF helps this entrepreneur with:

Chipmunk sought contact with LIOF at the start of the company. LIOF quickly saw the added value of this smart startup and helped with financing. Patricia de Kort, investment manager: "Healthcare has been overflowing for years, and chronic patients can be the victims of this. This has been amplified enormously by COVID-19 of course. Chipmunk offers a directly applicable and reliable solution for this. We are happy to support such an initiative."

LIOF and Chipmunk

How exactly does it work? 

Erik explains. "Suppose you have a chronic condition and you go for regular check-ups for this. This is important, because you and your healthcare providers want to know how your health is doing. With Chipmunk, these check-ups are largely done remotely. Just at home, in other words."

Measuring yourself is knowing in time


"We provide you with all the equipment you need for this. Like a blood pressure monitor, saturation meter, thermometer, activity tracker and a box to send the measured values safely. Each measuring device sends the data automatically to Chipmunk. You also fill out a questionnaire on a regular basis. A Chipmunk nurse or your own family doctor will review the data and answers. In this way, they can identify possible risks early on. And prevent worse.

"Care has been overflowing for years"  

Virtually for so much benefit

Erik explains why he is so passionate about his Virtual Clinic: "Healthcare expenses are increasing every year and so are the problems of finding enough staff. Virtualization of healthcare is therefore necessary. To keep care accessible and to guarantee quality. An important effect of our Virtual Clinic is that patients themselves are more aware of their health. This helps to prevent (larger) problems.

"In the Netherlands, more than 50% of the population  has 1 or more chronic disorders"

More than a Zoomcall or online calendar

Erik adds: "In the Netherlands, more than 50% of the population has one or more chronic diseases. For people over 75 this is even more than 90%. Due to the aging population, the problems will only increase. 95% of chronic care is provided by general practitioners. But it is precisely there that the pressure is very high and the need for digital healthcare solutions is great. I don't mean solutions such as Zoomcalls or digital agendas. But patient-oriented, data-driven solutions that lead to better care at lower costs." 

At home and abroad


The goal of Chipmunk was to develop a home monitoring platform. Erik: "With which we can improve the quality of life of (chronic) patients by early detection and prediction of a certain course." And they succeeded. Chipmunk Health, based in Limburg, now supplies its Virtual Clinic to doctors and clinics in the Netherlands, Germany and Canada. "We also have an office in Canada in addition to our office in Heerlen."

"Innovating is something we do together"

"We believe in open innovation" 

Erik: "For us, collaboration with others is both natural and indispensable. For example, we work together with Mabs4.0 in Heerlen for our software development, Philips Health Suite Digital Platform in Cambridge provides the best cloud solution and we work together with Cassia Networks in San Jose, California for better bluetooth connections and device management. And not to forget Meditta Zorg in Sittard of course: the primary care group with no less than 200 general practices in Limburg."

Chipmunk makes great leaps forward

After 3 years of development, together with physicians and patients, Chipmunk started gradual scaling up in the summer of 2020. Erik: "In the Netherlands, more than 20 general practices are now using the Virtual Clinic for the chronic care of patients. Also hospitals are already reducing the length of stay of patients by using Chipmunk after the discharge of a patient." 

"Our product is finished in the basics.  Now it's time to scale up."  

Gold tip for successful entrepreneurship? 

Erik doesn't have 1 golden tip, but he does like to share Chipmunk's 'gospel' with other entrepreneurs: 

  • "Don't make assumptions about what the users want, but involve them in the development.
  • Work evidence-based. Because without a scientific foundation, you don't have a business case in healthcare.
  • Every step you take, think about whether what you're doing is scalable. In other words: can you grow? Can you adapt to future developments in your market?" 

"In any case, this has helped bring us to where we are now. Who knows, maybe this can inspire other entrepreneurs too!"  More information: