By our partner LWV | Text: Yara Purnot | Aerial Photo: Aron Nijs Photography
Corporate parks form the backbone of the regional economy. But how do you ensure that these business parks with the established companies meet today's demands? According to Sjoerd Mooren, head of Park Management and Projects at Limburg Employers Association (LWV), turns to and action. "With the growing focus on sustainability, safety and efficiency, the role of Park Management is more relevant than ever," he said.
In close cooperation with the LWV, Park Management tackles current issues, such as sustainability, circularity, employment and mobility. "These challenges are happening now," Sjoerd emphasizes. "We ensure that business parks are prepared for the realities of today and tomorrow."

Clean, whole and safe: the basics in order
."Park management focuses on three core values: clean, whole and safe," Sjoerd explains. "The surroundings must be clean, the infrastructure in order and the site safe for everyone who works or visits there. But these days, these basics are just the starting point. For example, business parks are crucial for realizing sustainability issues such as solar power generation, among others, as well as providing employment opportunities," he continues.
"Business parks are a special place where many jobs are bundled together. Given the tight labor market, profiling a business park as a pleasant working environment is very important, in addition to an attractive business climate. This requires a professional and coordinated approach that goes further."
Complex issues, limited resources
Voluntary boards of business parks often face significant challenges. "Many boards consist of entrepreneurs who are responsible for the area in addition to their day-to-day work," Sjoerd says. "They have limited time and resources. However, today's issues - such as the sustainability agenda - require a professionalism that you cannot expect from volunteers."
This is where Park Management comes in. "We provide operational and strategic support," says Sjoerd. "From obtaining certifications to assisting with grant applications, we ensure that boards can focus on their core tasks while we take care of the rest."
Uniting forces with LWV
According to Sjoerd, increased cooperation with LWV is an important step in the new direction. "Park management is a subsidiary of LWV. Where the LWV is strong in networking and lobbying, we bring practical solutions and project management to the business parks. Together we form a powerful combination."
This collaboration is all about connection. "Our park managers, project managers and relationship managers meet monthly," says Sjoerd. "This keeps them informed of what's going on. If an entrepreneur runs into a sustainability issue, we make sure that the question is not only addressed locally, but looked at more broadly. That way we make impact faster. That's the strength of our approach."
Proactively working on impactful projects
What sets Park Management apart is its proactive approach. "We don't wait, we think ahead," Sjoerd explains. "What are entrepreneurs running into? What do they need from us right now? With project management, we develop solutions that go beyond individual actions. In short, connection in practice."
Project managers play a key role. "They work both for Limburg-wide projects, where we represent the Limburg business community, projects for our members, and projects at local business parks. We critically assess each project: what is the goal, what resources are needed and how quickly can we deliver results? Every euro must be well spent."
More value for the region
A park manager at Park Management provides more than operational support. "Our park managers have access to an extensive network, in-depth knowledge and the experience of dozens of business parks. They bring solutions that reach beyond a single location."
Park management is also a valuable partner for municipalities. "Municipalities want business parks to become more sustainable, but put that responsibility on the companies and boards themselves. This creates a gap. We fulfill that bridge function and ensure that entrepreneurs and municipalities take steps together. This is how we help the entire region move forward."
Really helping entrepreneurs move forward
Sjoerd emphasizes that reliability, decisiveness and customer focus are at the core of Park Management. "We have built up a strong reputation as a reliable partner. We want to continue to live up to that trust by remaining relevant and really helping entrepreneurs move forward."
Sjoerd said."It's all about the actions we take now to make business parks stronger and more sustainable," Sjoerd concludes. "Together we are making sure that Limburg business parks are not only participating, but leading."