Additional space needed for sustainable transition

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27 December 2023

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Extra space needed for sustainable transition

VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland are pleased that with the program 'Space for Economy', presented today, the cabinet is directing that sufficient physical space remains for existing and new locations to work. After all, this is increasingly coming under pressure and the business organizations sounded the alarm about this earlier this spring. It is also valuable that the government is making it clear that the transitions to a sustainable and circular economy require additional space.

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Space for work takes up only 2.6 percent

Adequate space for work and the economy is an important foundation of our broad-based prosperity. The minister recognizes this, stating bluntly that by 2050 about 3 percent of our land will be needed for the economy, work and entrepreneurs. More affordable space is needed for work and manufacturing locations in the coming years because of the energy transition, the rise of the circular economy and for companies to expand, for example, if they are successful. Economic activity now occupies 2.6 percent of the surface area of the Netherlands.

Value business parks

VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland appreciate that the minister wants to ensure that 700 hectares of business parks are added each year. There is a shortage of some 7,000 hectares until 2030. Here lies an important task for provinces and municipalities. This does require reversing the trend: because business parks are increasingly under pressure, due in part to encroaching residential development. Business parks simultaneously provide as much as 30 percent of all employment in our country and 40 percent of our national income is earned there.

Region Needed

It is therefore good that Minister of Economic Affairs Adriaansens is taking the lead when it comes to space for the economy and wants to achieve a successful approach with provinces, municipalities and entrepreneurs (organizations). The ministry is starting pilots in all provinces to make better use of business parks and make them more sustainable. This is in line with the earlier plea of VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland to - in addition to housing deals - also make and work deals and take advantage of opportunities for future-proof business parks.

Embedded in National Spatial Strategy


Of course, this approach to space for work and the economy cannot be separated from other spatial choices that need to be made for housing, agriculture, nature, recreation. It is therefore important that space for the economy is well embedded in the National Spatial Strategy, which the new government is expected to draft in 2024.
