Workshop: developing, validating and protecting, that's how to make smart use of Intellectual Property

Item date:

23 October

Event location: Mikrocentrum De Run 1115, 5503 LB in Veldhoven

10:00 - 15:00

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Are you working on new technologies? And are you overflowing with new ideas? Great! Then you will want to know how to validate and protect those technologies and ideas even better. You will find out this and more during this workshop organized by Octrooicentrum Nederland on Wednesday October 23 at Mikrocentrum in Veldhoven. Register quickly because the number of participants is limited.

During the workshop, Intellectual Property advisors Twan Uijttewaal and Katja Apelt of Octrooicentrum Nederland will give you useful tools. For example, you will learn with which intellectual property rights (or: IP rights) you protect innovations.

Finally, Toine Ketelaars, Director Intellectual Property at Vanderlande, talks about identifying new ideas. How do you decide to protect them with IP rights? And how do you do that? You will learn step by step how to get inspiration from patent literature and how to use this literature to validate your own invention.

About the guest speaker


Toine Ketelaars, Director Intellectual Property, VanderLande

Vanderlande is a global provider of material handling solutions for airports, express parcels and warehousing. Over the past 2 decades, the company has become one of the leading companies in this field. Toine Ketelaars, Director Intellectual Property, will explain how he set up the patent strategy for the company, what the key drivers are for applying (or not) for patent protection, and how intellectual property is embedded into the workflow related to R&D. As a Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP) with years of R&D experience in various companies, both small and large, Toine has an extensive background in all aspects of IP related to R&D.



Wednesday, October 23

  • 10:00 - 11:00 Gain insight into which IP rights may apply to your technology. Recognize protection possibilities through IP rights. Speaker: Katja Apelt of Octrooicentrum Nederland.

  • 11:15 - 12:00 How do patents work in practice: patents @ Vanderlande. Speaker: Toine Ketelaars, Director Intellectual Property, VanderLande.

  • 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

  • 13:00 - 15:00 Innovating technology: how patent information provides support and tools to find relevant patents. Speaker: Twan Uijttewaal from Octrooicentrum Nederland



Participation is free. Language of instruction is English. You can register for the workshop via the online registration form.
